Posts Tagged ‘results’

Excuses – Just Say No!

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

You ever ask yourself “why do I complain so much?”

You should!

I have, and it reminds me to re-program my brain and stop making excuses. Every one does it, it’s just that some people do it more than others AND some actually take action in spite of having the “excuse”. The one’s that do are the people that are successful, whether in training, life, business, relationships…. or dodge ball (if that’s your fancy).

Whenever you feel sorry for yourself, find inspiration in others that could have many more excuses than you but decide they will not be defined by them.

I started thinking about this as I was sent a link to an article about this years CAF Inaugural Paratriathlete Camp, which invited and sponsored one of our Renton Results boot camp members Tony Smith.

Tony is the tallest of the crew, as are his achievements!

Tony is the tallest of the crew, as are his achievements!

Tony lost a leg in a car accident but you can’t notice because he kicks so much ass! (more…)