In all honesty, right now I’m on Lake Chelan, Washington for a 4 day weekend….
Getting some inspiration from the view
So don’t feel to bad for me
But I feel like I need to let everyone know what has been going on since the New Year as I have negelected the blog and haven’t been on top of providing great information as I promised. For that I deserve a backhand slap and if you see me feel free to give me one (just mention what it’s for so there won’t be any “misunderstandings” and I don’t go Hulk on your ass!)
With the Renton Results Boot Camp blowing up after the New Year when we ran the body transformation contest and Hocevar Performance personal training going to almost exclusively semi private training and picking up steam, I became so busy with training and providing the best info to all the clients as well as doing all the program design, paperwork , financials, etc. that goes with a growing business. We also added a Saturday charity boot camp where we donate 100% of the proceeds to local causes and non profits that are close to my heart as well as the hearts of our members.
A.M. class is pretty packed…..
Needless to say this took up a lot of my time.
I have been working on systemizing a lot of those tasks as well as delegating some of them and it’s still not where I want it to be (I know, I know…it will never be perfect).
Even though there has been a lot of work with a lot more to come, I feel very fortunate to be able to help more and more people and do what I absolutely love! I also feel fortunate to have grown the Hocevar Performance team to three people that are passionate about changing people’s lives through training. Apart from myself and Pam Johnson, who runs the evening boot camps and will start with semi private after her 2nd baby (by the way, Pam is the most in shape pregnant lady ever right now), we just had Albert Park completely dedicate himself to Hocevar Perfomance and he is taking serious action, starting youth training camps and running our small roup training.
It’s important for me to say a couple words about Albert as he is a guy that walks the talk. He has been training in the Elite athlete group for about a year and has been an athlete all his life, dedicating a lot of time to the mixed martial arts. He knew he wanted to move into the fitness industry and devoured all the information I gave him, went to seminars and workshops with me, studied tons on his own and really went after it.
And as if that wasn’t enough, he gave himself a deadline to start training full time and leave behind a job that was paying well and was “safe”. He decided to go after what he wanted and did it! He knew there was going to be some struggles starting of but that did not stop him. His “die or grow” mentality, dedication, never ending goal to improve and go-giver attitude are what embodies our gym and I can’t be more happy that he is a part of the team. Albert also has a really cool blog, check it out here.
If you can learn anything from Albert’s story, it’s that anything in life worth achieving is going to be hard but you can make it happen when you set goals, committ yourself to them and most importantly take constant ACTION!
I know I went a little off topic but I had to tell that story… to get back on track……
I’ve also been to more conferences, workshops and mentorships than any other year. They have included both training and business and I have learned tons of new information as well as reinforcing things I already know. More than anything, I just realized I need to take even more ACTION…..and so should you.
What have you been meaning to do for the longest but seems to always get moved because of an excuse (I know it’s an excuse because I’ve done many times before and you have to be honest with yourself before anything else)?
Ready, fire, aim! Take action! Nothing will ever be perfect so just make things happen….
Joe Polish (one of the world’s top marketers) and me at the Fitness Business Summit
With Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove at the Results Fitness Biz Mentorship in March…..amazing people!
Since Hocevar Performance has been growing, we’re looking at a new/bigger warehouse space in the area where we will expand the gym and our programs as well as bring in new equipment (to me that really just means more old school shit……ok, and a bunch of new stuff too).
Finding the right place, size and for the right lease amount is not too easy. Or I could just be picky, who knows! Either way I want it to be the shizznit for all our members so I’m I want it to feel right.
Need a new warehouse to fit in the new “mofo” 840 lb tire and D-Nasty himself (this guy’s put on 40 lbs of muscle in 14 months
Most importantly our members (family) have been getting incredible results as we are the most results driven personal training and sports performance facility in Seattle. From our Renton Results Boot Camp members….
Dawood, lost over 40 lbs in 9 weeks…
Lee Spencer lost 16 lbs and got super lean in the process
……to our athletes…..
D-Nasty is a beast!
…..and we keep pushing the training to new heights trying to improve every time we step in the gym….
Felt like I ran a all out 800m sprint after that set!
There’s a reason why they’re called suicides
Shows you can never run out of push up variations!
I’ve been far from slacking but I have definitely been away from the blog for too long and I feel like I need to make up for a lot of great information that I should have been providing all along.
So instead of saying what is going to happen, just watch out for new blog posts and a bunch of new videos from the Hocevar Performance .
Now I’m gonna go back to a little more R & R as it’s going to be a busy week when I get back.
Do what you’re passionate about, give it your all and live life to the fullest!
Tags: athlete, boot camp, fat loss, gym, muscle building, performance, personal training, renton, seattle, single arm push ups, training, underground
Great post Luka! I feel you, we get so engrossed in training/business sh*t, the blog suffers!! hahaha Keep up the great work!!!
We are here luka!
(And waiting…)